2 July 2010


churches everywhere,
hundred of crosses,  
different interpretations of Christ.

a suffering man, 
an agonized man, 
a bleeding man,


a male body is emerging off the bronze door, 
he seems like being created or vanishing, 
melting back in the metal, 
floating and at the same time, 
trapped in a thick and heavy magma

a cross is embossed  on his chest.
his body hasn't neither feet nor hands
he is not crucified 
he has a cross as a stigma deep carved on him,
soaring and dividing his chest
sealing, marking, wounding him
and leaving his body for ever 
as a reminder, a gesture of passion.

(pictures: the door of the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs
in Rome, created by Igor Mitoraj in 2006)

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